Slide down the hill and pick up the flares. Now jump into the passage quickly, before the spike wall can get you. Slide down the three slopes. A boulder will come down in the next passage. Run down and hang from the ledge. Wait for the boulder to get past. Then pull up and collect the crowbar.Boulders
In the next cave you can see a couple of boulders. I won't lie to you, it's as bad as it looks. If you take one step at a time and jump back/sideways if necessary you will eventually make it through. Even with all the goodies.This is how you can get through:
- Step outside and take one step to the right. The boulder on the left will be triggered. Jump backwards back onto the stairs to get out of the way.
- Then take two steps forwards to trigger the boulder on the right. Again jump back to avoid it.
- Now step onto the square right of the shotgun shells to trigger the boulder on the left. Again jump back to get out of the way.
- Now run towards the shells to trigger the boulder ahead. Jump sideways to get out of the way.
- Collect the shotgun shells.
- Now take one step to the left to trigger the boulder next to you. This won't harm you here.
- Step onto the platform where the last boulder was and then run to the left, stay close to the column. This way you will trigger the two boulders by the entrance.
- Step onto the platform between the left of the two boulders and the rocket to trigger the boulder in the passage on the right. Jump back to get out of the way.
- Now pick up the rocket. You will trigger the boulder in the corner. This one can't harm you here.
- Run behind the pillar and collect the Desert Eagle Ammo.
- Now run towards the passage which was blocked by a boulder and enter it.
Spike Walls
At the top look down into the passage on the left. You can see a spike wall. Slide down. Immediately pull up to the right. There is another spike wall. Quickly pick up the MP5 Ammo and climb further up. And a third spike wall. Now there are a few possibilities to continue. Either you take the 1st Secret right away or you leave it (for later).Secret NOT now
If you don't want to take the secret this is what you'll have to do. By the third spike wall, run towards the lever and pull it to open the door on the right. Exit through it. Turn right and climb down to get a large medipack. Climb back up. Run up the stairs. Slide down through the third passage. By using passage one you might miss the platform. By using passage 2 you might get hit by falling debris. You will end in a room where all the paths meet. go here (Chamber with Debris, 4 Crows and small medipack)Secret now
By choosing this path you will miss a large medipack.Chamber with Debris, 4 Crows and small medipack
In this chamber you'll have to kill 4 crows. Carefully take one step towards the bigger part in the middle. Step back when the ceiling comes down. In one corner before a door you will find a small medipack. This is where you'll enter this chamber when you collected the secret but not the "abandon hope"-goodies. Now climb onto the white ramp. Pick up the flares, unless you've come down this way. Climb higher up. Climb around the outer walkway and jump into the next chamber. When this is your first visit you have to kill a dog. Be careful the ceiling comes down. If you jump back onto the previous walkway you can kill the dog from a safe distance. Jump back into this chamber and climb the vine on the left side. Climb over to the left and drop onto the platform there. (If you haven't collected the 1st secret yet but want to do so, you have to climb over to the dog statue. Behind it on the left you will find stairs leading to a lever you have to use to bring down a spike ceiling somewhere.) Climb up into the passage. Take a running jump towards the platform on the left. If you haven't collected the first secret you can do so now. As I have chosen the other way in this walkthrough go here to see the other solution.Library
From the highest block next to the vine climb up onto the platform above. Running jump towards the next platform and climb up.Bookshelves
Run over to the book shelves. Ahead and to the left are two shelves that look different. They can be turned. Step into the alcove on the right. The shelf on the left will turn and you can enter the chamber behind. There you will find another turnable shelf. If you run around in this chamber the second shelf outside will turn. Run outside and step into the chamber to find shotgun shells. Now return to the little room using the following path: Get out through the left gap. Behind the second shelf turn right. Stay close to the shelf and do not run towards the opening. Now run right towards the chamber and through the open door on the right.Radioactive Area
Run up the passage. Ahead is some green stuff on the floor. Do not step onto it. It will kill you. Shoot the dog coming from ahead.Details
Spike Walls
Run up the stairs on the left. At the top look down into the passage on the left. You can see a spike wall. Slide down. Immediately pull up to the right. There is another spike wall. Quickly pick up the MP5 Ammo and climb further up. And a third spike wall will come towards you. Run towards the lever and pull it to open the door on the right. Exit through it. Turn right and climb down to get a large medipack. Climb back up. Run up the stairs. Slide down through the third passage. By using passage 1 you might miss the platform. By using passage 2 you might get hit by falling debris.Chamber with Debris, 4 Crows and small medipack
In this chamber you'll have to kill 4 crows. Carefully take one step towards the bigger part in the middle. Step back when the ceiling comes down. In one corner before a door you will find a small medipack. Now climb onto the white ramp. Pick up the flares. Climb higher up. Climb around the outer walkway and jump into the next chamber. Kill a dog. Be careful the ceiling comes down. If you jump back onto the previous walkway you can kill the dog from a safe distance. Jump back into this chamber and climb the vine on the left side. Climb over to the left and drop onto the platform there. Since you have chosen to collect the 1st secret later you have to climb over to the dog statue. Behind it on the left you will find stairs leading to a lever. (Picture) Use it to bring down a spike ceiling somewhere. Return towards the vine. Climb up into the passage there. Take a running jump towards the platform on the left.Goodies and Secret
Jump onto the vine and carefully climb down. You will end in a passage with spike traps. Walk through to the far end and collect the flares. Then walk over to the other side.Goodies:
There is a sign saying "ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE". Climb in. Drop down into the chamber and pick up the small medipack. Then climb out to the left before the (1st) spike ceiling comes down. If the 2nd spike ceiling is blocking your way, you cannot get past. You must have forgotten to use the lever by the dog statue. It was shown to you by the camera earlier on. Climb back towards it and use the lever. Then return here. Take a running jump to get to the other side. Drop down into the next chamber and collect the shotgun shells. Climb quickly out to the left before the (3rd) spike wall gets you. In the next room you might not have the time to collect the shotgun shells on the left platform. Drop down and crawl out into the passage to get away from the (4th) spike ceiling. Climb backwards out of the gap.
Secret 1:
You are now back in the chamber where the spike walls were. Crouch and crawl backwards through the gap to get down behind the spike wall. Climb further down. Pick up the MP5 Ammo and the large medipack. Now climb back up. Collect the two packs of arrows. Then use the lever. This opens the door above. Step outside to get back into the chamber where the ceiling came down.
Way back up
This is the chamber where you killed 4 crows and had to avoid the falling debris. Climb onto the white ramp again. Climb higher up and around the outer walkway. Jump into the next chamber and climb the vine on the left side. Climb over to the left and drop onto the platform there. Climb up into the passage. Take a running jump towards the platform on the left.(pick up walkthrough)