Saturday, 25. January 2025    


4. Tomb of Qualopec

Task: Find the final resting place of Qualopec and collect his part of the Scion.

1. Passage to the Tomb

Run into the passage and follow it, till you come to a set of stairs on the right. Run up the stairs and run towards the edge of the pit. You need to cross it. Jump onto the top of the fist pillar. From there jump towards the horizontal bar. Swing and jump onto the top of the next pillar. From here jump over to another pillar and then to the platform on the right side. Turn left and jump into the next passage. If you fall down during any of the jumps, return the beginning of the pit and climb up the rubble on the left side. Run ahead and you will come to a large center chamber.

2. Central Chamber

Opposite is a path leading up. You can see a giant rolling ball at the top of a set of stairs. Step inside and immediately run back out to trigger the boulder. Run to the side to evade it. It will cause quite a lot of damage in the central chamber. Three gates will then close the passage where the boulder came down. When you look down into the pit from in front of the doors you can see that there is now a loose wooden column with a platform on top, which used to support the central platform before. It can be moved. In the pit below are two lighter spots on the floor, one on the left, the other on the right. Also on the left lies a single wooden piece, almost like a crate and some Ammo. Climb down into the pit. Collect the 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo on the left. Then run towards the movable column. It doesn't really matter where you pull it first, let's begin with the side where the Ammo lay. Push and pull the column over to the side where the Ammo lay. Move it onto the lighter spot on the ground. Then run over to the wooden piece. Move it to the wall underneath the ridge. Mount it and jump towards the right part of the ridge. Jump up to the higher one and again to the top. There shimmy left and pull back onto the walkway. Turn to the pit and the column should be on the left side, if you followed my instructions. If it is on the right, don't worry, continue with this, and come back here later. Run out onto the center platform and jump towards the column. On the right wall is a ledge you can reach, as is ahead. Jump to the ledge on the right first. Climb up and jump over to the left to reach the crevice in the next wall. Shimmy around to the left. Jump up to the upper ridge. From there jump over to the right one on the statue on the right. Jump up to the one above and pull onto the statue. Jump towards the pole and climb up. At the top jump backwards onto the roof of the entrance. Turn to face the pit. Up above you is a gong. Shoot it and more of the center platform will crumble. Then use the grapple to swing across to the other side. There are two grapple spots, however when Lara used the latter, you won't need the other. Use the lever in the niche there. The first of the three gates blocking the exit opens. Climb back down.

3. Left Passage (1)

Again jump onto the top of the column you used to reach the ridges. This time jump to the entrance. Pull up. Run into the passage and follow it around the corner to the right.

4. Left Passage (2)

Run further along the passage. Pick up the Shotgun Ammo from the ground. Jump towards the horizontal bar ahead, past the darts and use it to swing to the crevice in the wall ahead. Shimmy to the left end and jump over to the next crevice. Again shimmy to the left end. At the right moment, jump past the darts to the next crevice. Here you may avoid the next darts, if you let go to the lower ledge. Shimmy to its left end and jump up to the upper ridge again. Here turn back and jump to the ladder in the wall there. Climb up and look to the right. Wait for the darts to shoot out, then quickly jump past to the right. Again jump right to the next ridge. There jump backwards onto the top of the pole and jump to reach the passage. Pick up the Small Medipack from the floor. Run further along the passage. At the end turn left and collect another Small Medipack. Then run out into the next passage lined with darts.

5. Left Passage (3)

Dive roll past the traps and run up the stairs. At the top turn right. Here you need to get past more dart shooters. You come to a chamber with a grapple spot at the ceiling. As there is nothing of interest on the ground, jump and throw the grapple up to swing onto the stairs in the middle of the room. Turn left and jump towards the wooden pole there. Climb up. Jump back towards the horizontal bar. Swing to the crevices in the wall. Lara will grab the lower one. Jump up and pull onto the walkway. Run up and to the left. Collect the 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo lying on the right. Then jump towards the lever. Lara will hold on to the ledge above. Let go and grab the lever to pull it down. The rear of the three doors in the central chamber opens.

6. Left Passage - Way Back (1)

Drop to the ground. Then run up the steps and back into the passage. Dive past the darts again. Then run down the stairs to the left. Below you will find that the darts aren't your only problem any more. Two swinging blades have joined the fun. So this time your timing needs the be better than earlier. It's best to focus on the blades. Dive roll past the darts and blades.

7. Left Passage - Way Back (2)

Follow the passage around the bend to the right. Kill the raptor lurking around the corner. Run back to the edge of the trench. Jump past the darts onto the pole and from there back to the crevice at the wall. When hanging from the top crevice, jump over to the next one on the left. From the end jump past the darts to the ladder. Jump past the next darts to the next crevice. There jump again past the darts to reach the last ledge on this side. Jump to the ledge in the wall behind you, from there to the one on the right and backwards to the horizontal bar. Swing into the passage. Then follow the passage further. Return to the center chamber. Our next target lies opposite. Drop back into the pit. When you have followed this walkthrough so far, you will now find two movable columns down there. Move them both to the other side. Place one on the lighter spot and the other one between the first and the wall with the entrance. If you have only one, place it on the lighter spot only. Climb back up to the top.

9. Right Passage (2)

Step onto the platform in the middle and from there jump onto the top of the column. If you only have one, jump over to the ledge on the right and from there towards the ledge right of the entrance. Jump over to the second pillar and then into the passage. Run around the bend to the left.

10. Right Passage (3)

Run to the end of the passage. Turn left and step to the edge of the pit. This pit will be of interest on our way back, for now however you should avoid falling down. If you do, climb up the crevices at the start of it. Jump onto the top of the pole. Turn to face the crevice on the left wall. Jump there and shimmy to its right end. Jump to the next ledge and there drop to the lower. From its right end, jump backwards onto the top of another pole. Then jump into the passage. Follow it around the bends into another chamber.

11. Right Passage (4)

Don't run towards the lever yet, but collect the Shotgun Ammo lying on the left. Then run to the lever. Before you can pull it, the floor gives way and Lara falls down.

12. Right Passage (5)

Shoot the two wolves that attack you. Then run up the ramp to the top. There you will find a movable crate in the wall. Pull it out and push it down into the chamber. Place it underneath the low crevice on the right column. Mount the crate and jump up to the crevice. Jump up again to reach the upper one. From there jump towards the wooden pole hanging from the ceiling. Climb to the top and from there jump to the second pole. From here jump towards the crevice on the other column. Climb around to the right. There jump backwards to the horizontal bar. Swing to the stone platform. Here jump up to the crevice in the wall above on the right. Jump up again to the top ledge. Climb to the right end and jump backwards onto another pole hanging from the ceiling.
Secret (Artifact): In the wall you can see an opening. Jump backwards from the pole to reach the opening. Pull up. Behind the wall on the left you can find the next artifact. Then hang from the ledge of the opening where you entered this chamber and jump back to the pillar.
Climb to the top of the pole. Turn your back towards the lever. Jump towards the ledge above. Let go and pull down the lever. The middle of the three doors in the center chamber opens.

13. Right Passage - Way Back (1)

From the lever you need to jump to the right, towards the horizontal pole. Swing to the gap in the wall. Climb around the corner to the left till Lara places her feet against the wall. There jump up to the upper gap. Shimmy around to the right. Jump up and pull into the chamber. Run out of the other opening and jump down to the left. You are back on the upper level.

14. Right Passage - Way Back (2)

Run back into the passage. Shoot the raptor waiting there for you. When you come back to the edge of the pit, you can see a raptor below.
Secret (Artifact): Climb down into the pit and kill the raptor. Collect the artifact that has appeared here. Then climb back up.
Back on the other side of the passage, follow it back to the center chamber again.

15. Qualopec's Final Resting Place

Return to the platform in the middle and from there jump to the passage with the stairs leading up. At the top, run around the structure blocking the path. Run up the ramp and you come to the actual tomb.

16. Escape from the Collapsing Tomb (1)

Run down the ramp and around the structure. Back in the main chamber jump back to the platform in the middle and then towards the other entrance.

17. Escape from the Collapsing Tomb (2)

Run down the next ramp and jump towards the platform at the wall. In the pit below is a raptor, but this shouldn't concern you as long as you stay up here. Jump towards the top of the pole. Continue to the second pole and from there jump to the horizontal bar. Swing to the third and final pole and from there jump to the safe passage.

18. Meeting Larson in Action

Run back through the passage to the waterfall. There you will meet Larson who wants to take the piece of the scion from you. Another interactive sequence follows. The combination here is:
  • Up (PC) / X (PS2, PS3) / A (Xbox 360)
    to jump over him
  • Down (PC) / Circle (PS2, PS3)
    to dodge his sand-attack and kick him in the stomach
  • Right (PC) / Triangle (PS2, PS3) / Y (Xbox 360)
    to take the shotgun from him
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 16 Oct 2019, 23:09
by tombraidergirlnext
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