Saturday, 25. January 2025    


11. Sanctuary of the Scion

Turnable Columns Riddle

Run up the stairs. At the top you will be attacked by two cat mummies. Kill them and then continue into the next chamber. Run to the back first, to collect the Small Medipack on the right and the Shotgun Ammo on the left. Then examine the room. The columns here can be turned. And they need to be aligned with the images on the walls behind them. Unfortunately some of these columns are connected.
  • If you turn the first column on the left, the second on the left and the second on the right are turned as well.
  • If you turn the second on the left, the first on the left and the second on the right are turned as well.
  • If you turn the first on the right, the first on the left and the second on the right are turned too.
  • If you turn the second on the right, the second on the left and the first on the right are turned as well.
Now to solve the riddle, you need to think carefully. The first on the left and the second on the right are positioned correctly. The first on the right and the second on the left need to be turned twice each. This will also move the other columns, but as you need to move the other two twice, it will also bring them back to their original position. When you have turned the two columns twice, a platform ist raised out of the floor.

Shaft with Ledges

Run to the extended column. Hang from the ledge and jump up. Pull up to the top. Look up. You need to climb the ridges and jump to the ladder. Start on the second part from the left of the lowest ridge. (1) From there jump straight up twice. (2 & 3) Then shimmy once around the corner to the left (4) and again jump up twice. (5 & 6) There are several other paths up, but this was easiest to describe. From there jump backwards to the ladder. Climb it to the top. Run into the passage and around the right and left bends.

Passage with Traps

Wait for the first set of walls to open and jump onto the platform on its left. Quickly jump to the ledge in the left wall. Jump up to the upper ledge. Turn right and jump to the moving ledge there. Quickly jump to the next crevice behind your back. If you are too slow and only catch the lower, moving one, quickly jump up. Wait for the walls to part, then jump past to the left. Shimmy to the left end and jump backwards into the next passage. Follow it out.

The Giant Sphinx

You emerge behind the back of a giant sphinx. On both sides you will find stairs leading up, however the middle parts are lowered into the ground, so you cannot get up there yet. There are also ladders leading down besides the head on both sides. Pick the left ladder as you will find some ammo below. Climb down. Then simply safety-drop down to the ground. As the fall will cause no damage it will save you the trouble of going down the ladder. At the start of the trench below you can collect Shotgun Ammo and 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo. Then run to the front of the sphinx. One or two rats might appear from the stairs in front of the sphinx, depending on how much you explored of the passages beside the sphinx. At the top of these stairs are two receptacles for Ankhs which we need to collect first. So turn away from the sphinx and run up the stairs towards the ladder. Climb the ladder. At the top you can pick whether you want to go left or right. Jump over to the ledge on the right. Shimmy to its right end and from there jump to the first horizontal pole. Continue to the second pole and from there swing towards the stairs.

Right Side

Run into the corner towards the ladder. Climb up to the top.
Find: Run up to the left and climb onto the upper platform. Collect the Shotgun Ammo there. Climb further up to the right to find a Large Medipack. After collecting it get back down to the spot where the ladder ended.
Run over to the right and up the ramp. At the top jump towards the crevice in the left wall. Shimmy right and jump up to the upper crevice. From its right end jump over to the walkway. Pull up. Turn right and look to the first column there. From the elevated part, jump to the crack in the column. Alternatively you can get down to the base of the column and climb up twice further to the left to reach this same spot. Shimmy to the right end and jump up to the next crack. Jump up twice to reach the top crevice. There shimmy around to the right till you come to the gap in the ceiling where you can climb up. When you reach the top, two flying demons will appear. Shoot then. They might seem a bit tricky, as they will try to push Lara over the edge. Either stay close to the wall, or climb back down for the fight. You can also take cover in the depression.
Find: Face the sphinx. On its head you can spot something. Stand in the corner of the platform closest to the sphinx' head. Jump ahead and use the grapple to swing onto the head. Pick up the Dual Mini SMGs. The way back might prove to be difficult. With good timing, a perfect aim and a lot of luck you might be able to jump back to the grapple spot. Otherwise you might want to try to get down by sliding down the inside of the sphinx headdress. Stand facing the front and slowly advance to the side of the head. You need to get down on the inside besides the face. When you have reached the shoulders, go to the outer rim and slide down onto the front paw. Drop down to the stairs. Take the way back up to the right. Get back to the spot from where you used the grapple to reach the head.
Face left. Jump towards the horizontal bar there. Swing to the roof of the entrance. Run to the end and there use the crevices in the wall to get down safely. Use the lever on the wall on the left. A part of the stairs on the right, where you could not get past from below, is raised.

Right Chamber (1)

As this is not all we have to do, run over to the doorway left of the lever. Run up the stairs. Run along the passage till you come to a pit with stomping doors and two horizontal bars. The first horizontal bar will be retracted and extended from time to time. Wait for it to be extended, then jump towards it. Immediately jump to the second bar as soon as the walls ahead part and on to the ledge on the other end. If you fall down, you need to get past the stomping doors to the beginning of the pit and climb up the crevice there. Pull up. Run along the passage to come into a chamber.

Right Chamber (2)

The stairs lead down to a lever, however it is too early to use it now. You first have to raise the obelisks in this room. Do not jump into the water yet, otherwise you will run into a little obstacle. (see below)
1st Obelisk
Turn right from the entrance and jump onto the ledge in the wall. Shimmy left and jump to the second ledge. Jump over to the left to the ladder at the end. Climb down and jump over to the second ladder on the right. Climb further down till the ledges appear in the wall to your left. Jump over to the top ledge. From there jump to the mechanism and Lara will hold on to the top ledge. Wait for the mechanism to slide down and lock.
2nd Obelisk
Jump backwards to the obelisk. Jump up to the ledge above and again to the top ledge. Jump backwards onto the platform at the top of the mechanism. Jump over to the ledge on the right. Jump up to the second ledge. There jump backwards to the horizontal bar. Jump along the four bars to reach the ledge at the other end. Jump over to the right and there jump up to the top ledge of the mechanism. Wait there till the mechanism locks.
3rd Obelisk
Now you can jump into the water. If you'd done that before, you could not have raised the previous two obelisks without trouble. Swim towards the platform in front of the gate and climb out. Turn left and jump onto the pole sticking out of the water. From there jump to the ledge in the wall. Jump up to the second ledge and from there over to the left, to one of the gaps of the mechanism that raises the obelisk. Jump up till you are on the top ledge. There wait for it to lock.
4th Obelisk
Jump backwards to the crevice at the obelisk. Jump up twice to reach the top ledge of the obelisk. There jump backwards to the platform at the top of the mechanism. From here jump over to the ledge on the wall to the left. Jump up to the ledge above. From there jump backwards to the horizontal pole. Swing onto the walkway. If you have raised all three previous obelisks you could also shimmy around the top ledge of the third obelisks and jump onto the extended platform from there. Jump towards the next horizontal pole and swing to the ledge in the other wall. From here jump over to the mechanism on the right. Jump up the ledges and wait there till the mechanism is locked. If the 1st and 2nd Obelisk are not raised yet, but you are down by the water, you will find it a bit difficult to get back up. Climb onto the extended ledge. Then release the 3rd obelisk by pulling on the whitish bolt, using the grapple. The ledge will be retracted by half. Jump to the horizontal bar by the 3rd obelisk and swing to the ledge in the wall. Jump up to the upper ledge. Jump to the mechanism to the left and quickly left again to the ledge in the wall between the two mechanisms. Continue left to the other mechanism and left again to the next ledge. Jump backwards across the horizontal poles. From here you can reach the 1st obelisk and pick up at the start of this section. Once all obelisks have been raised, you need to get back up to the top. Jump backwards to the obelisk and jump up to its top ledge. Shimmy along the upper ledge and from there jump to the extended ledge. Run towards the still closed entrance. On the right you can see an artifact, we will get it soon. Turn left and jump onto the horizontal bar. Quickly jump to the second and to the ledge in the wall ahead. Jump up to the top ledge. There look to the back and jump towards the ladder. Climb up. There jump over to the left, to the next ladder and climb further up. At the top jump right towards the ledge in the wall and again right to the next ledge. Jump right towards the stairs.

Right Chamber (3) - Opening the Door

Run down the stairs to the lever. Use it to lower an obelisk from the ceiling. It will capture the light coming in through an opening overhead and redirect it to the other four obelisks and open the door.

Right Chamber (4) - The Ankh

Run back up the stairs and jump back along the ridges in the wall and towards the ladder. Climb down. Then jump back to the second ladder on the right. Climb further down. Then, when the archway of the door appears next to you, jump over to the right to grab the ledge at its top. Shimmy right.
Secret (Artifact): Shimmy around the corner to the right. There drop down into the alcove and pick up the artifact. Then hang from the ledge again and shimmy back to the left, around the corner.
Drop onto the extended ledge in front of the door. Step into the chamber and kill the cat mummy. Then pick the Ankh Key from the pedestal. The door to this room and the gate below opens.

Right Chamber (5) - Left Side (1)

Get back out and jump down into the water. Swim towards the platform and climb out. Follow the passage all the way out and you will emerge at the side of the sphinx. Turn right to run in front of the sphinx again. Here you need to fight a centaur. Run towards the ladder. Climb it again. At the top jump over to the crevice on the left. Shimmy to the left end and jump towards the part of the stairs below. Jump over the gap to the upper part of the stairs. Run up and climb onto the stone in the right corner.

Left Side (2)

Climb up to the right and at the top to the left. Slide down the ramp to the left. Jump to reach the ledge ahead. Jump up and pull onto the walkway. Run up the ramp. At the top turn left and jump onto the crack in the third pillar. Jump up to the second crack. Shimmy around to the opposite side and there jump up to the highest crack. Turn your back to the second column and jump there. Shimmy around the column by 180 degrees. There jump backwards to the first column. Shimmy around and jump towards the highest crack which faces the wall. There turn your back towards the wall and jump to the crevice there. Jump up three times to reach the top ledge. Jump backwards to the walkway. Here you will be attacked by two flying demons. Then jump over to the horizontal bar and swing to the second. Swing towards the platform at the other end. Jump to the crevice in the wall ahead. Shimmy around to the left twice. There jump backwards onto the arch of the door. Climb down at the other end, using the two ledges in the wall. Use the lever below to close the gap in the stairs.

Left Chamber (1)

Then run to the archway, and up the stairs into the passage. Follow it to a set of stomping pillars. Watch the trap till you figure out the rhythm. Crouch and move forward till you come to the depression. The trap will close above your head but won't hit you. Wait for the trap to open then jump to the other side and quickly duck again or simply roll out of harms way. Follow the passage to the next trap. Wait for the trap to open, then jump past the first depression. Duck and wait for the trap to open again. Jump past the second depression and again duck. Then jump to the other end and quickly run out into the chamber.

Left Chamber (2)

Do not use the lever at the end of the stairs yet, you need to raise the obelisks first. Jump down into the water and collect the Small Medipack on the ground right of the platform where you can climb out.
1st Obelisk
Then climb out onto the platform. Get up onto the rock by the obelisk and from there jump to the mechanism that will rise the obelisks. Jump up four times to hang from the top ledge. Wait for the mechanism to lock.
2nd Obelisk
Then jump backwards to the ledge of the obelisk. Jump up twice to reach the top ledge. There jump backwards to the platform attached to the top of the mechanism. Jump to the crack in the wall on the left. You could also go right, but we will do that later. From there jump to the ladder on the left. Turn left and jump towards the horizontal bar. Swing to the second horizontal bar before the first lowers under Laras weight. Quickly jump to the third and fourth horizontal bar and then to the gap in the wall. Hang from the lower ledge and from there jump over to the left. Jump up the gaps of the obelisks mechanism to the top one. There wait for the mechanism to lock.
3rd Obelisk
Jump backwards to the obelisks ledge. Jump up twice to reach the top ledge. From there jump backwards to the platform at the top of the mechanism. Jump towards the ledge on the right and up to the top ledge. There jump backwards to the horizontal bar. Jump along the row of four horizontal bars to reach the ladder again. Jump over to the crevice in the wall on the right. Simply pressing jump will do the trick. And from there jump onto the platform atop the mechanism. Jump over to the right, to the crevice in the wall. Jump further right to the next mechanism. Jump up to the top ledge and remain there till it is locked in place.
4th Obelisk
Jump backwards to the obelisk. Jump up twice, to the top. There shimmy over to the right. Jump towards the extended ledge. Run over to the left. On the wall leading towards the last obelisk is a grapple spot. Run along it to the tiny crevice in the wall. From there jump over to the mechanism on the right. Jump up all the way to the top and remain there, till the mechanism is locked. Now it's time to get up to the lever. Jump into the water and climb out onto the platform. From the higher part, jump to the ledge of the mechanism and on to the obelisk. There jump up to the top and backwards to the platform at the top of the mechanism. Jump over to the crevice on the left and from there on to the ladder. Climb up. At the top jump over to the ladder on the left. Climb further up. At the top jump over to the left part of the ladder again and climb it further. From there jump over to the ledge on the left and twice more to the left to reach the walkway at the top again. Run down the stairs to the lever. Use it to open the chamber with the artifact.

Left Chamber (3) - The Ankh

Run back up the stairs and jump along the ridges again to reach the ladder. Climb down and jump to the second part of the ladder on the left. Climb further down and jump over to the top of the archway on the left. Shimmy to the middle of it and drop down onto the walkway. Run into the chamber and the door closes behind you. Kill the cat mummy, then pick the Ankh Key from the pedestal. The exit to this room and the gate below by the water opens.

Left Chamber (4) - Using the 2 Ankhs

Get back out and jump down into the water. Swim towards the platform with the opened gate and climb out. Follow the passage all the way out and you will emerge at the side of the sphinx. Turn left to run to the front of the sphinx again. Here you need to fight two centaurs. Then run up the stairs to the sphinx and use the two ankhs on both sides.

Passage under the Sphinx

Enter the passage. On the left is a rolling ball. You can push it down the paths and it will help you getting rid of the rats, it will serve no other purpose. Run down the first ramp and kill the single rat, unless the globe does it for you. Run down the second ramp to the right and kill two rats. Run down to the right again. Further down to the right you will meet two more rats. Follow the next bend to the right. Two more rats attack. Collect the Shotgun Ammo at the bottom, then turn right once more. You come out in a large chamber.

Water Chamber with Anubis and Horus Statues (1)

Below the chamber is filled with water, alas there is not enough to enable you to reach the passage on the opposite side. Below the surface are two statues of Anubis (left) and Horus (right). Collect the Small Medipack on this platform on the left. Then jump down into the water. Dive deep down, between Horus and Anubis to find an Underwater Lever there. Use it to drain most of the water from the room. Swim to the surface. Turn around and swim along the passage. At the end climb out to the right, to the statue of Anubis. Go to the left and climb onto the platform next to the foot. Jump up to the next ledge on the left. Jump up again. There jump backwards to the moving horizontal bar and immediately swing to the next crevice. Shimmy around the corner to the right. From the end jump along the wall and use the grapple. Run over to the other side and jump towards the ledge with the ladder. Climb up the ladder. At the top jump backwards - simply pressing jump will do the trick - to the higher ledge at the Anubis statue. Jump up to the upper ledge. Shimmy to the left. From the end jump further left. Again shimmy left and jump to the ledge above. Shimmy around the corner. Drop down onto the platform between Anubis' arms. On the floor is an image of four scarabs that are arranged in a certain way. On the wall, below a gate with a lever behind it, is a mechanism with four scarab triggers. By shooting them, you can arrange them like they are shown on the picture. Shoot the top left one 4 times till it faces left, shoot the top right one twice to make it face down, shoot the bottom left one twice till it faces up and shoot the bottom right one 4 times till it faces right. The gate opens. Climb inside. Above is a passage you cannot reach for now. Use the lever to let in some of the water.

Water Chamber with Anubis and Horus Statues (2)

Get out of the niche and climb the ladder right of it. From the top, jump right to the higher ridge. Shimmy around the corner to the right. There jump up to the upper ridge. From its right end jump to the next ridge and shimmy further right. Continue towards the third ridge. Shimmy to the end. There jump backwards to the horizontal bar. Swing to the ridge in the other wall. From the right end of this ridge, jump to the pull-down lever on the wall. This lever opens a timed door, so you need to move quickly. Drop into the water (either press the roll button to let go, or quickly jump over to the right) and dive along the passage and at the end turn to the left, towards Horus. Dive through the opened steel gate between his shins. If you were too slow, or fell into the water in-between, swim over to Anubis. You can climb out of the water by his knees and from there try this paragraph again. Take in the image of the scarabs on the ground, and note the ledges in the wall that would enable you to get up here, even without water. Then dive up in the chamber. Climb out on the front side. Climb up the first step and then pull out of this pit between Horus' arms. Turn around. As it was on Anubis' side, there is a mechanism with four scarab triggers on the wall, below the gate with a lever behind it. Shoot the top left one twice till it faces up, shoot the top right one 4 times to make it face left, the bottom left can stay in place, so then shoot the bottom right one twice till it faces down. The gate opens.
Preparation for the next Relic Run towards the edge and push the brownish crate down into the water. It will enable you to reach this part even without water. Do not drop into the water before you have pushed the crate down or you'd have to use the timed lever high up at Horus' side again. Once the crate has dropped, jump into the water. Dive down between Anubis and Horus once more to use the lever again and drain most of the water from the room. This done, swim back to the front of Horus. Push the crate in front of the gate, so that Lara will be able to get inside quickly. Because that's what we want to do. Then swim over to Anubis. Climb out of the water and climb the whole way back up to the lever high at the side of Horus. Remember it was a long path, first up to the scarab riddle of Anubis and then up the ladder, across the ledges and to the other side... Again jump quickly into the water and swim over to Horus. Climb out of the water and run between his feet. Quickly climb inside the chamber, using the crate, before the gate can close. Run towards the wall opposite and on the right end of the ridge, jump up three times. Shimmy along the upper ridge, to the right, around the corner. From there jump over to the right and pull up. Climb up and lower yourself to the place where the crate stood before. Hang from the ledge and shimmy to the right end. You can see a ridge going around the column there, and in the wall just besides it is another pull-down lever. From the right corner let go once and Lara will grab the ridge on the column below. Shimmy around to the right and from there jump onto the lever. It will open a gate up on the right, behind Horus' shoulder. Now get back to the water, and climb Anubis again. Use the wall lever in his chamber to let in some of the water again. Then use the pull-down lever high up, at Horus's side and do the time run again to get back to where you were before preparing for the relic.
Step into Horus' chamber and use the wall lever there too. The chamber will fill with more water.

Water Chamber with Anubis and Horus Statues (3)

Swim over to Anubis again. This time dive into the flooded chamber with the wall lever and dive up into the chamber up behind it. Climb out of the water.

Water Chamber with Anubis and Horus Statues (4)

Run to the right wall. Jump towards the moving ledge and quickly up to the crevice in the wall. Jump backwards to the horizontal bar, quickly swing to the second and on to the ridge in the wall before any of the horizontal bars is too low down. Shimmy to the left, into the entrance. Pull up. Turn to the right wall and jump up to the ridge there. Jump up to the second and the third ridge. There shimmy right and pull up onto the upper level. Face the statue of Horus. Here you can choose if you want to collect the Relic on foot or by diving into the chamber. I prefer diving. Jump towards the pull-down lever to let more water into the chamber.
Secret (Relic): Dive over to the other side. Dive down behind the Horus statue. Dive into the chamber on the left. On the ground you can find the Horus Idol. Dive back outside.
Swim to the platform in the water between Anubis and Horus. Pull out and run into the passage. Run along the corridor till you come out into a chamber with many columns.

Hall with Columns - Using Qualopec's Scion

You are greeted by two cat mummies and two centaurs. Kill them and then return to the entrance. Face the closed gate on the other side and run to the first reddish column on your right. (1) Hang from the lowest ridge and shimmy left till you can jump up to the second ridge. Shimmy further left till you can jump up to the third ridge. Jump up to the fourth ridge and shimmy further left. At the end let go to reach the second of the level 3 ridges. Shimmy till the second of the red columns is exactly behind you. Then jump there. (2) Lara will grab the lowest ridge. Jump up to the second level. There shimmy to the left end. You can see a grapple spot at the ceiling. Swing across to the fourth column on the left side. (3) Make Lara grab the higher of the two ridges, then shimmy around to the left till the last red column in this row is behind your back. (4) Jump there to grab the lowest ridge. Jump up to the second ridge.
Secret (Artifact): Shimmy left, till the whitish column is behind you. (5). Then jump there to reach the lowest ridge. Shimmy around to the left, till the wall is behind you. There jump up twice. Then jump backwards to the opening in the wall. Pick up the Artifact inside. Then jump back to the column. From the highest ridge, shimmy around to the left, till the red column is behind you. (4) And jump back there. Lara will grab the middle ridge again.
Shimmy right and jump up to the top ridge. There shimmy further right and at the end jump to the pedestal with the lock on the left side of the gate. Here use the Scion of Qualopec to unlock the first part of the door.

Hall with Columns - Using Tihocan's Scion

Return to the first red column on the right side. (1) Hang from the lowest ridge and shimmy left till you can jump up to the second ridge. Shimmy further left till you can jump up to the third ridge. Jump up to the fourth ridge and shimmy further left. At the end let go to reach the second of the level 3 ridges. Shimmy till the second of the red columns is exactly behind you. Then jump there. (2) Jump up to the second ridge. And there shimmy to the right, till the second whitish column on the right side is exactly behind you. (3) Jump there. Jump up to the upper ridge and shimmy around to the right, till the wall is behind your back. Then jump over to the right and throw out the grapple to run along the wall. At the other end, jump sideways from the wall to reach the fourth white column. (4) Lara should reach the upper of the two ridges. Shimmy around to the left and there jump up to the top ridge. Make sure the last of the white columns is behind you, then jump there. (5) Shimmy right and jump to the upper ridge. Shimmy further around to the right, till you can jump up to the top ridge. From the right end, jump over to the last of the red columns. (6) Lara will barely grab the lowest ledge. Shimmy left and there jump up to the upper ridge. Jump up once more. Shimmy to the left end. From there jump over to the pedestal right of the door. Use the Scion of Tihocan to unlock the next part of the gate. It opens.

The Last Part of the Scion

Step through into the chamber to collect the third and final part of the scion. When Lara examines the scion, to find out more about its history, she is surprised by Natla and her gang. They take the Scion from her and she has to fight through an interactive sequence. The combination here is:
  • Right (PC) / Triangle (PS2, PS3) / Y (Xbox 360)
    to evade Kold's knife and give him the elbow
  • Up (PC) / X (PS2, PS3) / A (Xbox 360)
    to attack the Kid
  • Down (PC) / Circle (PS2, PS3) / B (Xbox 360)
    to dodge Larson's attack
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 07 Apr 2016, 16:27
by tombraidergirlnext
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