Wednesday, 19. February 2025    

Endurance Achievements/Trophies

Achievement/Trophy Overview

Achievements/Trophies and Challenges are dependent on one another. You can only get those achievements whose challenge you have accepted. Seriously, surviving for 10 days won't get you "Great Outdoors" unless you had picked the corresponding challenge before starting the game.

Achievement/Trophy Roadmap

My suggestion is you start off easy and do the more difficult challenges later, when you're more familiar with the game mode.

First Playthrough

Let's get the silly thing out of the way first. Escape after surviving for one day without any artifacts. It doesn't really matter which cards you pick, as long as you pick the challenge "Nope", nothing should hinder you from getting the Achievement. Simply survive the first day collecting food and keeping warm. When the second day starts, find a signal fire, light it up, survive the ensuing ambush and escape. (For more information click the title of the achievement.)

Second Setup

In the second setup we will go for the following 5 Challenges/Achievements:
  • Well Done (eat 5 small animals killed with fire)
  • Still Tastes Good (eat 5 wolves killed with poison)
  • Fast Reflexes (Destroy 3 ceiling spike traps)
  • Happy Camper (5 Days)
  • Archaeologist (5 Artifacts)
This is a nice setup for the beginning, you will focus on killing animals in different ways, on overcoming traps you did not spot (which is likely to happen on your first endurance trip) and your target is not that high, 5 days and 5 artifacts. (You do not even have to escape.)

Later Setups

  • One Way to Do It (Warm up standing in fire)
  • Nature Retreat (7 Days)
  • Vacation (7 Days and escape)
  • Master Archaeologist (10 Artifacts)
  • Great Outdoors (10 Days)
  • Great Haul (10 Artifacts, 10 Days and escape)
  • Who Needs a Map? (Locate 5 crypts)
  • Raider (5 Codices or Sarcophagi)
  • Skillful Raider (5 Codices or Sarcophagi, no trap)
by tombraidergirl
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